To All Of Our Valued Patients
At Meadows Women’s Center, we are open and here for your medical needs during this health crisis. If you believe that your health needs could be addressed by a telemedicine/video appointment please contact us to discuss this option. If you are over 65 or have any medical problems that may reduce your immune system, please call the office at (702) 870-2229 to discuss your appointment options.
If you have an office appointment, please do not bring anyone else and reschedule if you have a cough or fever.
Based on CDC recommendations if you or a family member have a fever, sore throat, cough, difficulty breathing or a severe respiratory illness you are asked not to come in for your appointment or for blood work. Please call the office to reschedule your appointment.
For questions on getting tested for the coronavirus call 1-800-860-0620.
Thank you,